Thursday, October 17, 2013

Take a stand for... staying full in the Spirit!

Take a stand for... staying full in the Spirit!

Galatians 5:25 "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

We live in a world against us, but that is to be expected. Yet, we are to still live Godly lives and push towards that goal. So many people are one push away from losing their temper, one shove away from just snapping, and one smart remark away from just going off. This isn't the right attitude is it?

James 1:19 tell us, "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;"

Stay filled in the Spirit and live in it. If not, then it is our flesh that destroys our life and relationships. Just because you are a Christian, doesn't always mean you are staying filled up in the Spirit, it doesn't mean your trying daily to walk that straight and narrow path. You can not just simply be one way at Church and another way at school, work, etc. We are Gods children everywhere! Are you staying filled in the Spirit? You can not get full by reading a devotional. You can not get full by listening/singing to a worship song.
How can I get full?
You get full by rejoicing in the Lord and Who He is! (Philippians 4:4) You get full by living Godly! (Romans 12:1) You get full by reading His Word! (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

 Do decide to live pleasing to God. It will greatly benefit you! It has definitely benefited me through my new journey following Him. When you allow yourself to follow His commandments and stay full in the Spirit, then let me assure you that it is so easy to respond in love. When you know God, you will then know what true love is. God is love (1John 4:8). Live in His overflow! He's reaching out, run towards him and live in full Spirit! And please, whatever you do.. do not back away. Stay firm, do not be moved! (Psalm 16:8)
Rejoice in Him! Boast in Him! Glory in Him alone!
Don't push God out of your life, let Him guide you and bless you. You will become happier overall, I know I have.

Isaiah 50:7 "For the Lord God will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set my face like a Flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed."

I love this verse! Set your face like stone, determined to do His will! As Christians we are in a constant battle with the world and ourselves. Standing up for God puts you straight into the battle, right as if we had a spiritual target right on our backs. We are that one person that stands out in a full crowd. I used to reject it and be ashamed. But now I am stronger than I have ever been and I will continue become stronger, this is the mindset we should have.  And then it will become easier and easier to set your face like stone, not being ashamed to do His will! You aren't in it alone, God is always there and He will help you! Pray for His guidance, talk to Him. Choose to set your face like a flint (stone).

What are different ways or things you do to stay full in the Spirit daily? I would love to hear what you have to say on this, any feedback would be very much appreciated! :)

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